Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Beneficials and wildflowers

All of our wildflowers from last year look like they reseeded, though some haven't bloomed yet. Baby blue eyes were first, followed by Tidy Tips, and then the Phacelia. Poppies were fourth. This was kind of a surprise. We've seen just one chinese house so far tucked in a corner.

The wildflowers attracted all sorts of native bees, bumblebees, hover flies, wasps, ladybugs and honeybees.
The bumblebees last year loved the phacelia. We would have between 10 and 12 at a time in a space of about 9ft sq. This year too. Three visited today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Where did you get the phacelia? Is it a plant that divide well?
